Dr. Cote and his wife, Jen, attended the Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando’s “Furball” the same month their beloved dog was diagnosed with and treated for a large tumor on his spleen. Dr. Cote and his family felt grateful they were able to support not just their own pet but so many others in the community!
We were excited to complete our 1st entire year of monthly donations to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and look forward to many more years of giving to come.
For the 4th year, Cote Periodontics has had the pleasure of sponsoring the Jewish Federation of Greater Orlando’s “Men’s Night Out,” which raises money for youth education.
For the 2nd year, Cote Perio sponsored the Geneva School’s SALT -Serving and Learning Together- Servathon. During the day of service students give back to over a dozen non-profit organizations throughout Central Florida.
Our office was humbled to contribute to Cannonball Kids’ Cancer, and organization whose mission is to “fund innovative, accessible research for children fighting cancer to provide better treatments and quality of life, and educate for change.” Check out https://cannonballkidscancer.org for information on getting involved and meaningful giving.
Cote periodontics has enjoyed sponsoring Winter Park’s Methodist School for Early Education Fall Festival since 2017, and, although the festival itself was canceled for the 2020-2021 school year, cote perio was still able to support the school in their ‘Growing Together’ fundraiser. Proceeds from the campaign aid the school and youth education.
Dr. Cote had the pleasure of sponsoring and volunteering at the Geneva School’s SALT Servathon, helping to prepare care packages for soldiers overseas. The Servathon is a day of service where students give back to the community.
In May Cote Perio began a longtime goal of monthly donations to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. We feel incredibly blessed we’re able to give back in such meaningful way.
Fall 2020
For the 3rd year, Cote Periodontics was a sponsor of the Jewish Federation of Greater Orlando’s Men’s Night Out— renamed Men’s Night In this year. Although the event looked different this year (virtual!), the mission remained the same: to raise money for Jewish youth education.
Fall 2019
Cote periodontics sponsored the Methodist School for Early Education’s Fall Festival for the 3rd year in a row! We were also thrilled to sponsor the Orlando Jewish Community’s Men’s Night Out for the 2nd year. Both events raised money for youth education.
Check out Jurassic Pumpkin! Inspired by our boys’ love for Jurassic Park and all-things- dinosaur, our family created this awesome artwork for Arnold Palmer Children’s Hospital to help cheer up patients in the month of October.
Summer 2019
Cote Perio had the opportunity to sponsor an iPad and accessories for a pediatric cancer patient through Apple a Day. Apple a Day is a local organization that’s mission is to bring joy to the lives of pediatric cancer patients through communication, music, games, pictures, movies, and the interaction that an iPad can provide.
Spring 2019
Black Bean Deli was a hit at the Arnold Palmer Orlando Ronald McDonald House.
Winter 2018
Cote periodontics was able to “adopt” 3 Active Military/or Veteran families needing a little extra support this holiday season. We had the opportunity to connect with our families, learn about them, shop their children’s wish lists and send off several big packages.
We also sent out almost 30 beautiful and overflowing stockings to deployed Service Members and Veterans in the hospital this December. We were blown away by the support we received collecting stocking stuffers! Thank you to our amazing staff, patients, dental reps, friends, families and colleagues.
Fall 2018
Cote periodontics was thrilled to sponsor a local preschool’s Fall Festival for the 2nd year in a row.
We participated in a Pumpkin Decorating Contest—with all pumpkins going to Arnold Palmer Children’s Hospital. We delivered 2 kooky Jack-o’-lanterns and a spooky pirate ship.
Dr. Cote attended and sponsored the Jewish Federation of Greater Orlando’s Men’s Night Out, with all proceeds going to youth education. Last year, the event raised over $17,000 for scholarships, trips to Israel, summer camps, books and supplies.
Spring 2018
We enjoyed providing and serving lunch at the Orlando Ronald McDonald House in April. Sonny’s BBQ was a hit!
Winter 2017
Our office participated in the Central Florida Basket Brigade providing local families in need with grocery items for a yummy Thanksgiving meal. We took a total of 10 baskets—5 donated from cote perio and 5 from other dental offices in the area that joined us.